Tag Archives: visual c++

Digital voltmeter – Arduino and PC (Visual C++) comunication via serial port

Today I will show how to make digital bridge between Arduino and PC: control analog – digital converter and send measured data to PC. Windows application will be created using Visual C++ 2008 Express.

Voltmeter demo software is very simple, and here is a lot room for improvement, but I just wanted to show basics how to control com port and execute data exchange between PC and Arduino.

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LED resistor calculator for windows v1.0 (download)

This is the very first and I hope not the last post of this blog.  With this event I want to share with you LED calculator. It is also my first project with Visual C++ Expression 2008, this  software development environment is free for students.

Calculator is capable of finding suitable standard E12 (10%) resistor value and power for one LED designs.  There also some tips for user to find LED forward voltage:

Calculator works on Windows XP, Vista, 7, but you have to install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5


  LED resistor calculator v1.0 (56.1 KiB, 24,208 hits)